My name is Licheng Guo. I received my Ph.D. degree in 2022, my M.S. degree in 2021, both in Computer Science from UCLA. I received my B.S. degree in Electronic Engineering from Zhejiang University in 2018.
My research focus on co-optimizing HLS compilers (from C++ to RTL) and physical design tools (from RTL to hardware) to improve the circuit maximal freuquency and reduce the compilation time.
I love travelling and aspire to explore every country of this amazing world. I also love music and currently I am actively practicing flute.
Contact: lcguo -at- ucla [dot] edu
Representative Papers:
[FPGA'22] RapidStream: Parallel Physical Implementation of FPGA HLS Designs
Licheng Guo, Pongstorn Maidee, Yun Zhou, Chris Lavin, Jie Wang, Yuze Chi, Weikang Qiao, Alireza Kaviani, Zhiru Zhang, Jason Cong
(* Best Paper Award *)
[FPGA'21] AutoBridge: Coupling Coarse-Grained Floorplanning with Pipelining for High-Frequency HLS Design on Multi-Die FPGAs
Licheng Guo, Yuze Chi, Jie Wang, Jason Lau, Weikang Qiao, Ecenur Ustun, Zhiru Zhang and Jason Cong
(* Best Paper Award *)
[DAC'20] Analysis and Optimization of the Implicit Broadcasts in FPGA HLS to Improve Maximum Frequency
Licheng Guo*, Jason Lau*, Yuze Chi, Jie Wang, Cody Hao Yu, Zhe Chen, Zhiru Zhang and Jason Cong
Other Papers:
[MICRO'22] OverGen: Improving FPGA Usability through Domain-Specific Overlay Generation
Sihao Liu, Jian Weng, Dylan Kupsh, Atefeh Sohrabizadeh, Zhengrong Wang, Licheng Guo, Jiuyang Liu, Maxim Zhulin, Lucheng Zhang, Jason Cong, Tony Nowatzki
[FPGA'22] Accelerating SSSP for Power-Law Graphs
Yuze Chi, Licheng Guo, Jason Cong
[DAC'22] Serpens: A High Bandwidth Memory Based Accelerator for General-Purpose Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication
Linghao Song, Yuze Chi, Licheng Guo, Jason Cong
[FPGA'21] AutoSA: A Polyhedral Compiler for High-Performance Systolic Arrays on FPGA
Jie Wang, Licheng Guo and Jason Cong
[FCCM'21] Extending High-Level Synthesis for Task-Parallel Programs
Yuze Chi, Licheng Guo, Young-kyu Choi, Jie Wang, Jason Cong
[FCCM'21] FANS: FPGA Accelerated Near-Storage Sorting Solution
Weikang Qiao, Jihun Oh, Licheng Guo, Mau-Chung Frank Chang and Jason Cong
[FCCM'19] Hardware Acceleration of Long Read Pairwise Overlapping in Genome Sequencing: A Race Between FPGA and GPU
Licheng Guo*, Jason Lau*, Zhenyuan Ruan, Peng Wei and Jason Cong
[FPL'18] SMEM++: A Pipelined and Time-Multiplexed SMEM Seeding Accelerator for Genome Sequencing
Jason Cong, Licheng Guo*, Po-Tsang Huang, Peng Wei, Tianhe Yu* (Alphabetical ordering)
[ArXiv] When HLS Meets FPGA HBM: Benchmarking and Bandwidth Optimization
Young-kyu Choi, Yuze Chi, Jie Wang, Licheng Guo, Jason Cong
(* indicates co-first authors)
Google Scholar:
2022 Best Paper Award, International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA '22)
2021 Best Paper Award, International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA '21)
2017 Chu Kochen Scholarship, the highest honor for students at Zhejiang University (12 / All)
Journal Review: TCAD, TRETS, TACO, MICRO, TECS, Bioinformatics
Conference (External) Review: FPGA, DAC, FCCM, FPL
Technical Committee: LATTE '22