Dr. Deming Chen obtained his BS in computer science from University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1995, and his MS and PhD in computer science from University of California at Los Angeles in 2001 and 2005 respectively. He worked as a software engineer between 1995-1999 and 2001-2002. He has been an associate professor in the ECE department of University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign since 2011. He is a research associate professor in the Coordinated Science Laboratory and an affiliate associate professor in the CS department. His current research interests include high-level synthesis, nano-systems design and nano-centric CAD techniques, GPU optimization, heterogeneous system programming, FPGA synthesis, SoC design, and computational biology.
Dr. Chen is a technical committee member for a series of conferences and symposia, including FPGA, ASPDAC, ICCD, ISQED, DAC, ICCAD, DATE, ISLPED, FPL, etc. He also served as session chair, panelist, panel organizer or moderator for some of these and other conferences. He is the TPC Subcommittee Chair for ASPDAC'09-11 and the TPC Track Chair/Co-chair for ISVLSI'09, ISCAS'10-11, VLSI-SoC'11, ICCAD'12 and ICECS'12. He is the general chair for SLIP'12, the CANDE workshop chair in 2011, and the program chair for the PROFIT workshop in 2012. He is an associated editor for TCAD (IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems), TODAES (ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems), TVLSI (IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems), TCAS-I (IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I), JCSC (Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers), and JOLPE (Journal of Low Power Electronics). He obtained the Achievement Award for Excellent Teamwork from Aplus Design Technologies in 2001, the Arnold O. Beckman Research Award from UIUC in 2007, the NSF CAREER Award in 2008, the ASPDAC'09 Best Paper Award, the SASP'09 Best Paper Award, the FCCM'11 Best Paper Award, and the SAAHPC'11 Best Paper Award. He is included in the List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent in 2008. He received the ACM SIGDA Outstanding New Faculty Award in 2010. He is a senior member of IEEE.
Dr. Chen was involved in two startup companies. He implemented his published algorithm on CPLD technology mapping when he was a software engineer in Aplus Design Technologies, Inc. in 2001, and the software was exclusively licensed by Altera and distributed to many customers of Altera worldwide. He is one of the inventors of the xPilot High Level Synthesis package developed at UCLA, which was licensed to AutoESL Design Technologies, Inc. Aplus was acquired by Magma in 2003, and AutoESL was acquired by Xilinx in 2011.