Licheng Guo won the Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award from UCLA CS Department

Licheng Guo was selected as one of the four winners of the 2022 Outstanding Graduate Student Research Awards by the UCLA CS department. Licheng is currently a fifth-year Ph.D. student under the supervision of Prof.Jason Cong. He received his bachelor's degree from Zhejiang University. His research focuses on the co-optimization of high-level synthesis and physical design to improve the achievable frequency and reduce the compile time. His research was recognized by two Best Paper Awards in FPGA 2021 and FPGA 2022. In addition, the algorithm proposed in his DAC'20 paper has been realized in the commercial Vitis HLS compiler from AMD/Xilinx and the artifacts from his FPGA'22 paper have been part of the RapidWright framework from AMD/Xilinx.  His projects have been highlighted by the EE Journal, the SRC newsletter, and the ACM official Twitter account.