Book "Customizable Computing" Published

At the conclusion of the “Customizable Domain-Specific Computing” project funded by the NSF Expeditions in Computing program in 2009,  Prof. Cong, Prof. Reinman and their graduate students in the Center for Domain-Specific Computing (CDSC) published a book in the series of Synthesis Lectures on Computer Architecture by Morgan & Claypool Publishers.  This book presents an overview and introduction of the recent developments on energy-efficient customizable architectures, including customizable cores and accelerators, on-chip memory customization, and interconnect optimization. In addition to a discussion of the general techniques and classification of different approaches used in each area, it also highlights and illustrates some of the most successful design examples in each category and discuss their impact on performance and energy efficiency. A large body of the research covered in the book were obtained during the course of the Expeditions in Computing project.

The Book Link: